Melissa Campbell
Melissa Campbell is a litigation paralegal by day, but a storyteller at heart. Currently working on
erotic and horror short stories based on the energies of the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot.
Under the pen name Melissa Gale, she has a couple of flash fiction pieces published in Worth
1,000 Words, Itty Bitty Writing Space and Flash! A Collection of Short Fiction. Posting
sporadically on her blog about random thoughts, she’s also an
inconsistent publisher at “” and “”. If she’s not at the office or
creating new worlds, she’s probably spending time with her husband of 22 years, or her children
who still think she’s cool enough to hang out with. Otherwise, you can find her paddleboarding
or in her gardens recharging in nature.
Email: WOTRPresident at gmail dot com.