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Book Promotion for Indies. And tips for traditional routes, too!

Sun, Jul 25


Via Zoom

Writing the book is the easy part… At least that’s what they tell you, once your novel is finally out there in the world. Now, whether you’re publishing yourself or are with a publisher, it’s time to face the daunting task of getting the word out about your new book (a task increasingly left up to a

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Book Promotion for Indies. And tips for traditional routes, too!
Book Promotion for Indies. And tips for traditional routes, too!

Time & Location

Jul 25, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT

Via Zoom

About the Event

Writing the book is the easy part… 

At least that’s what they tell you, once your novel is finally out there in the world. Now, whether you’re publishing yourself or are with a publisher, it’s time to face the daunting task of getting the word out about your new book (a task increasingly left up to authors, even in the world of traditional publishing)

Never fear! Promoting your book doesn’t have to be a horrible exercise in self-shilling. In this workshop, we’ll cover the many different ways authors can find and connect with their readers, regardless of who holds the publishing reins.

And while there are a million things you can do to promote your book, you don’t have to do ALL of them! We’ll explore the various promotion options out there, and go over the pros and cons of each. Some of them will feel easy and doable to you, others won’t – and that’s fine. Here’s a quick look at what we’ll cover:

· Making sure your product is the best it can be – including cover and book description.

· Effectively using your direct presence as an author, via your website and newsletter, as well as social media.

· How to successfully cross-promote with other authors.

· Leveraging loss-leaders for visibility.

· Advertising, including cost-per-click and sales newsletters like BookBub.

· Tips for making the most of the retailer platforms to get some momentum behind your book.

· Plus: Plenty of time for Q&A!

Join us and come away with real, actionable items that will help you reach the next level in your book-promotion quest.

Anthea Sharp is an experienced and enthusiastic workshop presenter, as well as a USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of fantasy and speculative fiction (not to mention a bestselling romance author under the pen name Anthea Lawson). Originally traditionally published, Anthea jumped the fence in 2011 and began a self-publishing career that’s still going strong ten years on. In addition to indie publishing her novels, she writes and sells

short fiction to traditional markets, and most of her book are out in audio via small and traditional publishers. Discover her books at

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